Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas Cards!!

So, we ran out of Christmas cards before we got them to everyone (We even bought a ton of extras!!). Ack! But if you wanted to see them anyway, here they are! Shutterfly has some amazing options. They even got me to buy a couple of Photo Books as Christmas presents... sneaky sneaky! I'm very pleased with what I've gotten so far, though, so we'll see how they all turn out! In the mean time, enjoy the card, and Merry Christmas!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Anniversary :)

Hoo! It's taken me a while to get to posting this! (okay, not too long, but long enough :))

Hubby rocked the anniversary date. We dropped off the biscuit and took the little man with us. He took me down memory lane to our wedding day... We drove to the church (our church) where we got married. We drove around the building and left the parking lot from the exact spot where we had gotten into the car that night! I'm a super visual thinker so I was totally reliving it in my head. It was so sweet. Then we drove the exact route from the church to the Gaylord Texan (where we stayed on our wedding night) -- including the oopsident of having forgotten to get our marriage license signed and meeting the pastor to have him sign it on the way! Having just had a baby, we didn't have the budget to stay at the Gaylord, but we had dinner at the restaurant we had breakfast at a year ago (the morning after the wedding), and the waitress surprised us with a piece of cake on a plate that said "Happy Anniversary" on it in chocolate. It was just perfect. Simple, and so like us. We then walked around the hotel and enjoyed the Christmasiness (that's totally a word!) of it, and had a picture snapped on the way out.

The next morning (Sunday the 21st) was Chris' dedication! It went great. It's so much simpler than the traditional Lutheran baby baptism I'm used to, but it was still wonderful. We had plenty of family show up, and while they only stayed for the short dedication service, we appreciated them caring to come :) I didn't get any pictures but I know my in-laws did, so I'll acquire them eventually :)

This week I will be making what has become my signature dish for Thanksgiving - Homemade pumpkin pie - from a pumpkin! I'll post a tute with pictures, for sure :)

Saturday, November 20, 2010


I had a baby 5 weeks ago yesterday! And I married my husband a year ago today. [Happy Anniversary, love!] Time just flies so quickly! And so much has changed in that year... heck, in that 5 weeks! Luckily, I'm a crazy picture-taker, so I'll never forget a moment of it!

I've never done Christmas cards before. I'm sure I wanted to, but prior to a year ago, I never really had anyone to send them to, and last year, I was a little busy being a newlywed! Well this year, with an October 15th baby, it was kind of an either/or. Birth Announcements or Christmas cards? Well, why not both?

Shutterfly has a great selection of adorable Christmas (and Holiday) cards. How cute is this?
and this?
I just love them! (They also have some fantastic Birthday invitations which I'll be needing in 6 months for the Biscuit and just under a year for our little man. EEK!) Anyway, I decided to head on over there and come up with a great Christmas card that also introduces our newest addition! Wanna see it? Well, you'll just have to check your mail in a few weeks :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dirty Dipey Baggy

Yesterday was interesting! My lovely family all had some terrible allergy problems - hubby had it worst - so everything fell on me. No big deal, but it was exhausting! (And I'm pretty sure I forgot to eat all day. I had a bottle of Coke. Oops?)

BUT, this project was a necessary one. I was gonna lose my mind if we didn't come up with a solution to where Chris' diapers should go. (You see, we decided on cloth, and have no regrets, but we never did buy a diaper pail... so those diapers just haven't had a place to go... until now!)

So lastnight, I took a receiving blanket we'd been given that was somehow already losing some of the stitching on the edges, and made it into a bag. (I tried taking pictures as I went, but I was literally sewing while calming a needy baby, so pictures just didn't happen. I'll do better next time!)

Here's the bag. Voila!

And it was so quick & easy, I made two :)

They fit about 6 diapers each, and we usually wash at that point, so it's perfectly practical!

BTW, the fam is doing a little better today. Keep praying for wellness :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Eye of the Beholder

The name of this blog was my husband's idea. He said it was a great way to incorporate everything I wanted to, and it had a double meaning for him. He's sweet. Like most women, I don't look in the mirror every morning and say "Man! Look at HER!"... in fact, I don't even think I see a mirror most days. I'm not complaining. I love this life I've been blessed with. I have a ridiculously awesome husband... one I never could have dreamed up in a million years... and our kids are not only unbelievably good-looking, but they're very GOOD kids. I'm surrounded by friends and family who love God and love us. It's incredible. And when I think about where it all came from and how it all got started, I'm flabbergasted. It's impossible. But here it is. I sure never thought I'd have all this at 23... I just look around me at everything I've been given and know that it's worth everything. I'm grateful.